Sunday, 30 September 2012

Notes, scales, chords

How do we select chords for a song or a tune???

As you know, scales are the basic form of music.

Songs / tunes are set in a particular scale.

Once you know the scale for a particular song or tune  -  next comes the question of which chords to play?

A very basic form of chords which play harmoniously in a particular scale  -  for example, chord C Major

1       2        3        4        5         6         7          8
C      D       E        F        G        A         B         c

C is the root key of this scale
1, 4, 5    =>     are all Major chords (C, F, G)
2, 3, 6    =>     are all minor chords (D, E, A)
7            =>     diminished chord (B)

So the chords for C Major scale are:

1       2        3        4        5         6         7          8
C      D       E        F        G        A         B         c
M     m       m       M       M        m        dim      M

M = Major chord; m = minor chord; dim = diminished chord

Go ahead and find out the chords for other scales!
Please do not try to find out ready-made chord progressions from the www.

This is not going to help you in learning fast!

A fast way of learning is the other way round  -  the hard way!!!

Once you formulate your own chords, then you don’t need to 'mug it up'.

They will then be stored in your subconscious-mind, and will therefore come out naturally, as you start playing.

Believe me  -  try this for one scale, and hopefully it will become apparent and hence you will understand.

Now that we know which chords to play for a particular note  -  but, is it necessary to always play the given chord for a particular note?


It may not be possible or required to play the original chord corresponding to a particular note  -  as playing too many chords, (at least in the beginning), for a particular tempo (speed) and tune may be difficult or may create breaks in continuity.

So, try some short cuts, as follows:-

1)  In the case of note A  -  the chord is A minor in the ‘C’ scale.

A minor = A,  C,  E

F Major = F,  A,  C

(two notes A and C are common).

So, for A note, F Major chord also sounds ok and even sometimes good depending on the tune.

2)  In the case of note B  -  the chord is B diminished in the 'C' scale.

B dim = B,  D,  F
G Major = G,  B,  D

(two notes B and D are common).

So, for B note, we can also use G Major chord as well  -  which sounds good!

My friends...God's given you the skills and love for music, and He will be soooooooooooooo-happy to see you playing sooooooooooooo-nicely!!!

...Because, that’s what God wants YOU to do with the beautiful skills that you've acquired!!!

So, be happy and make others happy my friends and fellow lovers of music!!!!!!